Our vision is to be a peaceful refuge for individuals and families to receive coaching, ministry and emotional healing that restores their identity. With clarity of purpose, they build hopeful anticipation of God’s design in their life.
Consider a journey that cultivates
living a LIFE without LIMITS

Zion 61 was birthed from a vision embodied in Isaiah 61. The verses mandate to “bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, release prisoners from darkness, proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and comfort all who mourn” is the heart of this vision. The more we pursue Jesus, the more Zion permits restored identity by way of “a crown of beauty, oil of joy, garment of praise, and oaks of righteousness for the display of His splendor.”
We are passionate to redeem the garden within us so that the garden around us bears peace, joy and righteousness testifying that we have a good Daddy.
Bring clarity around what you want, overcome the fears holding you back and create action steps towards your vision!
We are driven by compassion, connection, and empowered leadership to accomplish freedom. It is one of our deepest desires to see people have a real encounter with God.

God is always a good Daddy
God’s Word transforms
God is still speaking
Presence is a Relationship naturally and vertically
Liberated healthy people make healthy families
Vulnerability accesses authenticity
Honor affirms value
Integrity matters at all times
Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven